3.5. FileBrowser configuration settings

Following is a description of all the configuration items specific to this application.

Table 3.1. Application specific configuration items

openoComma separated list of strings <empty>

File or directory to open (@ for all dirs).  Each entry in the comma separated list specifies a path to a file or directory to open upon application start. Files will be opened in their respective default FileHandler (as configured) and directories will open a directory browser window rooted at that directory. The special directory “name@ will open a directory browser window providing access to all configured root directories (see below).

session-dir N/A String ${settings.dir}/sessions

Directory to keep sessions in.  Specifies the location for session files to store the session state. These session files will record the opened files and the FileHandlers which have them opened when saving a working session. Restoring a session will load such a file and restore the windows stored in it (in addition to the already opened ones).

session-namesString ${app.name}

Name of session xml file to restore.  Specifies the base name of a session file to store the session state. This file will record the opened files and the FileHandlers which have them opened when saving a working session. Restoring a session will load this file and restore the windows stored in it (in addition to the already opened ones).

session-autoload N/A Boolean true

Whether to automatically load the previous session.  Switch that determines whether the last stored session should automatically be reloaded upon application start.

session-autosave N/A Boolean false

Whether to automatically save the session on exit.  Switch that determines whether the current session should automatically be saved upon application exit.

show-hiddenhiddenBoolean false

Whether to show hidden files and directories.  Switch that determines whether directory browser windows will display hidden files and directories.

show-dotdotBoolean true

Whether to show ".dot" files and directories.  Switch that determines whether directory browser windows will display files and directories whose name starts with a dot.

show-open-with N/A String SHIFT

Whether to show the "open with" menu item.  Switch that enables an additional menu item to select file handler to open a file with. Allowed values: NEVER, SHIFT, CONTROL, ALWAYS.

allow-editeditableBoolean false

Whether to allow renaming files and directories.  Switch that determines whether modifying operations are permitted on the underlying file system. If this is set to false, it won't be possible to rename, copy, move, delete, create or edit files and directories or perform any other modifying operations on them. All BoarderZone FileHandlers respect this setting and can thus be safely used in a kiosk environment although their nature might allow such modifications.

roots N/A Comma separated list of strings <empty>

Specifies the available root directories.  This list of root entry points into the underlying host file system determines what directories will be visible to the user in the directory browser windows. If this set is empty, the underlying operating system is queried for all available roots and these will all be provided for access. Thus this setting can be used to restrict access to certain areas of the system. Any directories can be specified as entries in this list, providing a possibility for “quick access links” on top level of the hierarchy.

mimetypes-filemimetypesString ${app.home}/conf/${app.name}.mimetypes

The file with customized MIME types.  Specifies a file which maps file extensions to MIME types. The detection of a files type will be determined only by this mapping, no contents will be read from the file to detect its nature. In combination with the MIME types a FileHandler supports, this determines what FileHandlers will be presented to work with a specific file. However, this default behavior can be overridden by the following setting.

file-handler-maphandlerString ${app.home}/conf/${app.name}Handler.properties

The file which maps file types to handlers.  Specifies a file which maps MIME types to FileHandlers. This mapping overrides the default mapping which comes from the information of each FileHandler, about what MIME types it supports. It can be used to allow opening files with a FileHandler which doesn't specify it actually supports that file type. But the most important use of this file is to specify a default FileHandler for a specific MIME type or a group (or pattern) of MIME types. This setting thus determines which FileHandler will be used for opening a file when doing so at application start (via the open setting) or when dropping it onto the working area of the desktop.

plugin-dirpluginsString ${app.home}/plugins

The directory containing plugins.  Specifies the directory where the application searches the FileHandler plugins. These plugin JAR files will be loaded separate from the application. Which of the plugins to load is determined by the following setting. Thus that directory may contain other files (even other JARs) without influencing the plugin detection mechanism.

plugin-config N/A String ${app.home}/conf/${app.name}Plugin.properties

The file which specifies which plugins to load.  Specifies the class names of the FileHandler plugins to load along with the name of the JAR file in which that plugin is located. The name of the given JAR file should be a local path under the specified plugin-dir setting (e.g. normally just its file name).

open-filters N/A Comma separated list of strings <empty>

List of file extensions to allow opening.  Each entry in the comma separated list specifies a file extension for which a filter will be added in the file open dialog. If this list is empty, the entire file open command will be disabled.

app-initializer-classes N/A Comma separated list of strings <empty>

Application initializer classes to execute upon startup.  Each entry in the comma separated list specifies a name of a class to be executed upon application startup. If this list is empty, no initializer will be executed.

security-provider-classpath N/A Comma separated list of strings <empty>

Security provider classpath to use.  Each entry in the comma separated list specifies a jar file to be examined when loading JCE cryptographic security providers. If this list is empty, security providers can only be found on the application classpath or from within a plugins classpath (and will be restricted to that plugin in the latter case).

security-provider-classes N/A Comma separated list of strings <empty>

Security provider classes to install.  Each entry in the comma separated list specifies a name of a JCE cryptographic security provider class to be installed into the JCE framework (at runtime only). If this list is empty, only the platforms security providers will be available.